Joey Goes to Atlanta

I recently had welcomed a couple of customers to our home office. We spent two days training with our Flow® and ImageMatch© products. We went over as much as we could for the two days, and in the end they felt it was great learning opportunity and wanted more. So we decided on two days training over the last full week of July. They felt that Atlanta would be a central location for both businesses, along with their employees they also had two other companies that they worked with which would also benefit from learning more about our products. In the end we had about a dozen people gathered in a wonderful hotel just outside of Atlanta.

I left San Diego a little after 8:00 am, arriving in Atlanta around 6:00 pm local time. The flight was nice but crowded, so with very little elbow room I put on a set of head phones and then focused on preparing for the training ahead. After landing I was shuffled off to the hotel to meet those who had already arrived. We then went out to have dinner in order to continue to get to know each other. After dinner, we gathered back at the hotel began hammering out the final details of what we were going over the next couple days. Before we knew it, it was 2:00 am so we decided break off until the morning.

We gathered the next morning, after breakfast in the same room they just finished serving our breakfast in. We set up five laptops, paired up and went through 4 hours of learning how Flow® works. This gave everyone a chance to get some hands on experience while learning the program. After our dinner break we continued the seminar with a simulated “live” shoot. In this simulation, we created a new job, imported the data, created the camera cards, used the scanner to bring up the proper record, took pictures, added packages and finished with an export. By the end of the “live” shoot, we figured it was time to break for the day.

After another great breakfast we marched on covering ImageMatch©, ProServices© and ProComposites©. After a high level review of the products, I wanted to take the learning in a different direction. We spent the rest of the day doing a question and answer session. This allowed those who still had questions regarding the new areas to go further into how the program works. As well as, those who had been working with our programs a chance to get their questions answered.

After some group pictures and lots of “thank yous” it was off to the airport for the trip home. As I was flying back, I thought to myself what a wonderful experience it was and how I got to feel the warmth of true southern hospitality.

Courtney and Kalyn go on a field trip!

Recently Kalyn and Courtney made a day trip up to Los Angeles to assist School Portraits by Kranz in utilizing FLOW.  Kranz just started using FLOW and Kalyn and Courtney went to help out, see their workflow and to see FLOW in action. Kalyn and Courtney arrived in LA and helped Kranz bring in their photography equipment and watch them set up for their photo shoots.

Once everything had been brought in, the photography staff set up their computer, started FLOW and Kalyn and Courtney helped go over the FLOW workflow that Kranz was using. Kranz has a pretty basic workflow which includes: scanning a barcode, double checking the student data, photographing the student (tethered capture) and printing the ID card. Because they were scanning barcodes and shooting tethered Kalyn and Courtney went into the event triggers and had the image automatically assign to the student record to save time to have to manually assign images. Kranz was printing ID cards on location and it was a fast and simple shoot.


“This was a great learning tool to see how FLOW works out in the field and to see what the photographers we talk with are experiencing on their shoots.  This was a smaller school so it was a lot more mellow than most but really gave us a feel for what our client’s experience. Having to get up so early and head to LA for the shoot really gave me a feel for what these photographers go through.  After talking to the photographer and hearing her feedback on FLOW it was nice to know that our software gave her a feeling of ease for her high volume shoots.” – Courtney

“It’s always great to finally get to meet our clients face to face, I had a great time seeing the photographer in action and I have a new respect for the fast pace work flow these photographers have to deal with. It was also exciting to see the software that I work with every day in live action helping make everything more productive and efficient. The Kranz crew and a great work flow and were total pros with Flow by the end of it. I’m so thankful for the opportunity that was giving to me, I had a great time learned a ton and if given the chance I would absolutely to do it again.” – Kalyn